Our Projects
One Paycheck Away
5 credit hours
(Due February 1, 2022)
There are many people that are forced into homelessness or poverty and do not have their basic human needs met because of their circumstances-lack of experience, lack of an education and lack of a job with a living wage. For this assignment, students are to research employment for someone without a college degree, is under the age of 21, and has minimal experience. Then, they will need to find housing and pay all necessary bills on that monthly income.

LIVING THE LESSON assignment due: The Seven Sacraments
October 31, 2022

LIVING THE LESSON assignment: Whatever You Do for One of the Least of These Brothers
April 17, 2022
This Lent, how can you pray, fast and give alms for the homeless and suffering? Let me know what your family does! This is due by the end of Lent; April 17. “Yours may be the only face of Christ they see…..”

LIVING THE LESSON assignment: Feeding the Hungry
December 30, 2021
Our focus during the months of November and December is food insecurity. So many people in our community suffer from not having enough food to feed their family. Catholic Social Teaching based on Scripture instructs us to care for those who suffer and to assist when someone needs help. So for November and December, consider what you can do, as a family, to help those who are food insecure.

"Homelessness is One Paycheck Away" assignment due.
February 13, 2022
The January 9 Super Sunday was canceled. Our speaker was going to speak about his work with the homeless. Since we cannot meet in person, but will have the speaker come to discuss this topic during our March Super Sunday, we will have students complete an assignment called "Homelessness is One Paycheck Away" that is worth 5 credit hours.

LIVING THE LESSON assignment: Building Together
November 6, 2021
The lesson for this month is to "build" something together as a family. It can be a lavish meal, a complex dessert, a puzzle, furniture, whatever you choose! Also, talk about why you think this project has been assigned. What does this have to do with Theology, God or our Church?